首页>中图70周年专题>我的中图>Journey of Beijing Book
我的中图 国际书店及中国图书进出口公司初创时期的人和事/魏龙泉 中国文化的绚丽之旅/许建刚 中图香港业务发展历程/汪爱云 弘扬中华优秀文化 坚定中图职业生涯/张伟 文化交流是中图总公司发展的关键/刘丽霞 我的驻外生涯/王凤 与改革开放共成长 外服拼搏精神永流传/吴乃甦 回忆在美分的时光/胡兆俊 北京国际图书博览会史话/张延华 我的会展情怀/汪芳 红红火火发报纸 欢欢喜喜庆回归/邓庆堂 回首三十年 我与中图共成长/兰静 韶华绽放的几个难忘瞬间/吴健蓉 在会展奋斗的日子里/李悦 风雨七十年/郗斯伟 从世图到中图/赵大新 我在数字发展中心这几年/白琳 新时代 新发行 新使命 新担当/李昂 改革开放四十载 风雨同行三十年/陈宇 “新阅读”诞生记/陈庆一 按需印刷 岂止于印/郭建红 巍巍华诞 国盛司强 栉风沐雨 薪火相传/鹿鸣 从进出口业务到丁香出版社/任蕾 中图情缘/武宏才 亲历中图大连公司发展23年/杨卫华 砥砺奋进的六年/詹雪美 中图之树又添“新枝”/张璐 我与中图四十年/杜士荣 中图教材业务20年随想/杜晓杰 Journey of Beijing Book/Donna Jacik 亦师亦友亦伙伴/樊合成 共和国与我们同在/孙国栋 70年,我们正年轻/崔晓峥

Journey of Beijing Book

Donna Jacik

Beijing Book Company Inc. is a branch office of China National Publications Import & Export Corporation (CNPIEC) located in Linden, New Jersey for the past thirty-eight years. The company was established in March 1981 as a financially and administratively independent organization for the purpose of strengthening and expanding the United States and China publications are for import and export trade, developing international co-publishing ventures and for the promotion of scientific and cultural exchange between American and Chinese organizations. Beijing Book Company main business operation is to export journals, newspapers, magazine, books, electronic publications and musical products for clients in China. Beijing Book Company Subscription Department has over 5,000 titles which are renewed every year, our Book Department purchases books, text books and musical products from American Publishers. Beijing Book Company’s clients in China are universities, libraries, research institutes, and academies, which treasure American publications.

The Beijing Book Company employs its staff from our home company in Beijing, as well as, from New Jersey. Everyone is dedicated, diligent and contribute their skills for making the company successful. The employees enjoy sharing our diverse cultures and traditions; this is the center stepping stone which bonds us together. All of us are not just colleagues, but close friends which is difficult to say goodbye when someone from the Beijing office has to return. I have been working for Beijing Book Company for the past thirty-eight years and worked under fourteen presidents. A lot publisher is impressed in the length of time I have been working here, but for me there has been so much room for personal growth and development. As, Beijing Book Company, grows and has to make changes with the publishing world, I have changed in the process. I started when I was seventeen years old, went to college at night for a degree in business. I started in October 1983 in the Subscription Department typing orders, invoices and checks during their renewal season, which lasted to March. There was an opening in the Serials Department, which purchases proceedings and science publications. Since the company knew I wasworking toward my degree and the Serials Department was slow they asked if I was interested in transferring to the Accounting Department, of course I accepted. During my time in accounting I was also offered the title of Manager of Administration and currently I hold that titled, as well as again working in the Periodical Department. I enjoy all my years working and all the experiences working in each department of Beijing Book Company I able to contribute to the developments and to see this company prosper. All our employees know our task at hand is to make sure we fulfill our orders to the clients in China and also work with all the Publishers and Agents in the US.

One of our benefits working for Beijing Book Company is to Travel to China. It was a vacation of a lifetime so many beautiful historical sites name a few: Great Wall, Summer Palace and Forbidden City in Beijing. I visited Shanghai, Guangzhou, Xi’an and Hong Kong. Also, I immersed in the traditional Chinese food and especially to see all my old and dearest friends who returned to back to China.

September 1986 was the first Beijing International Book Fair (BIBF) it was a great get – together for the international circle of publishers. BIBF poses a rich experience in holding an exhibition providing various services to our guest in China. Today, BIBF is in its thirty-third year and is a great success. During the spring of 1986, CNPIEC President Mr. Chen Weijiang held a reception at the China Consulate in New York promoting and inviting many American book publishers to attend the first BIBF. It was a great night for many publishers interacting and a more so great night for me knowing Beijing Book Company employees worked together in planning this special event. It was more so special when Mr. Chen Weijiang introduced all Beijing Book Company staff both from our home office and local staff. Mr. Chen Weijiang’s speech was inspiring to everyone who attended this reception. Mr. Chen was very popular among the American publishers; he traveled to the United States every year with delegates from our home office until his retirement.

CNPIEC former and current presidents continue visiting the United States with delegates to have meetings with American publishers in discussing new business and future changes in the publishing world.

Currently, a lot of publications are changing to digital or online access; Beijing Book Company will continue purchasing the print editions along with the titles that have changed to the electronic editions. I hope Beijing Book Company will maintain the ordering business of periodicals and books for the home company, meantime it will also expand its business scope here related to cultural product exchanges between the two countries.

I want to take this opportunity to wish CNPIEC A Happy 70th Anniversary and the People’s Republic of China.




中国图书(美国)有限公司是中国图书进出口(集团)总公司(CNPIEC)在新泽西州林登市(Linden)的分公司,迄今已有近40年的历史了。公司成立于1981年3月,在财务和行政上独立于总公司,旨在加强和扩大中美两国间的出版 物进出口贸易,开展国际出版合作,促进中美两国间的科学文化交流。美分的主营业务是为中国客户引进报纸、杂志、图书、电子出版物和音像制品,其中订阅 部每年更新图书5000余种,图书、报刊等则由图书部向美国出版商采购。美分在中国的客户主要是高校、图书馆、研究机构和学术机构等,这些机构客户都很重视并且珍惜来自美国的出版物。


当时,中国图书(美国)有限公司的主要工作是与美国所有出版商和代理商开展合作,确保向中国的客户履行订单。随着市场环境的变化,公司业务发生了一些改变, 我的岗位也不断地调整。1983年10月,我开始在订阅部工作,处理续签季的订单、发票和支票等,这项工作一直持续到第二年的3月份。这时候,期刊部空出一个负责采购学报和科学出版物的职位,但是当时我正在攻读夜校的 商业学位,公司知道这一情况,再加上期刊部的工作很忙,所以他们问我是否有兴趣转到会计部,我欣然接受了。从事会计工作期间,我还兼任行政经理之职,目前也继续担任这一职务,并再次回到期刊部工作。我十分享受我在美分各个部 门工作的时光,我看到了公司的繁荣,也积累了经验,并为公司的发展做出了贡献。在美分工作,还有一个好处是可以到中国旅行,中国有许多美丽的历史遗迹,比如长城、颐和园和故宫等。其中一次假期令我终生难忘,我到访了上海、广州、 西安和香港,中国各地的传统美食,特别是与所有在中国的老朋友们的相聚,都让我沉醉其中。

1986年9月,第一届北京国际图书博览会(BIBF)开幕,这是一次国际出版界的盛会,为我们通过多种渠道服务中国客户提供了很好的平台。 如今,北京国际图书博览会已进入第33个年头,取得了巨大的成功。还记得1986年春,总公司董事长陈为江先生在中国驻纽约领 事馆举行招待会,推介并邀请美国多家图书出版商参加首届北京国际图书博览会。对于出版商的交流互动来说,这是一个伟大而有意义的夜晚,于我而言更是如此。这个夜晚,我结识了共同策划此次特别活动的中图总公司员工,更具特殊意义的是,陈为江先生在活动现场还介绍了所有美分的员工。对于出席此次招待会的每个人来说,陈为江先生的讲话非常鼓舞人心。当时,陈先生在美国出版商中很受欢迎,他每年都会和代表团到访美国,直到退休。希望中图总公司的每一任总经理能经常访问美国,与美国的 出版商会晤,讨论出版界的新业务和未来变化。




上篇:中图教材业务20年随想/杜晓杰 下篇:亦师亦友亦伙伴/樊合成