首页>中图70周年专题>我与中图>My Story With CNPIEC
我与中图 “国家级”与“国字号”的相遇/陈力 真诚的合作 可靠的伙伴/袁海波 与中图结缘的40年/朱强 堪称24小时的中图服务/余彤昭 大洋两岸架书桥/郑力人 我与中图的故事/崔晓莹 经历20年的合作,期待更多个20年/李联合 My Story With CNPIEC 命运的ISSN/方理华 东方书店与中图公司/秋野克幸 与中图一起“数字化”“国际化”/鲁东明 从书展伙伴到“编外员工”/刘震云

My Story With CNPIEC

Oxford University Press-Marketing Department of OUP

Working together

After decades of working together, Oxford University Press (OUP) is delighted to cel-ebrate this important milestone with our colleagues and friends at China National Publi-cations Import & Export (Group) Corporation (CNPIEC).

Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford and the larg-est university press in the world. We publish thousands of titles every year in over 100 languages, ranging from pedagogical materials for the very youngest schoolchildren to academic research which is truly pushing the boundaries of human knowledge. It is our mission to further the University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide and our work with CNPIEC is vital to achieving this in China. In such an extensive market, we appreciate the expertise of our colleagues at CNPIEC, the largest overseas and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan book import service provider in China, to ensure that we are able to reach as many readers, teachers, and re-searchers as possible.

Equally, as a mission-driven organization, it is of critical importance to OUP that we work with other organizations with high standards and similar values. CNPIEC is com-mitted to facilitating access to cutting-edge science and technological knowledge to the Chinese audience as well as promoting the “going out” of Chinese culture. This chimes closely with our own mission of disseminating knowledge as broadly as possible around the world so we’re truly pleased to be able to support CNPIEC in its effort to build a bridge between China and the rest of the world.

An important part of this work to facilitate knowledge sharing comes through sup-porting local research communities. CNPIEC works closely with libraries and research-ers to help develop research collections suited to their needs.

Working with our scholarly publishing

Throughout the year, our colleagues at CNPIEC work hard to enable OUP to take its content to academic libraries through regular roadshows and support OUP to showcase our high quality scholarly content and services directly to academic libraries and institutions. Not only does CNPIEC play an essential role in supporting libraries manage their subscriptions and provide a local service that complements our own so that everyone can get the most out of the service we provide, they also support libraries develop their library collections through a deep understanding of their needs and research focus, along-side their un-ending knowledge of OUP’s academic content, such that customised recom-mendations are made to best match their needs with relevant publisher content that will attain strong usage and support their researchers in achieving their goals. This level of service not only supports librarians in content choice, but also ensures they see a high re-turn on their investment through strong engagement and usage of the content, thus sup-porting them in maximising their annual collection development budgets. It is this level of support and service that has enabled OUP disseminate its academic content so widely throughout China, and in attract high level research output from Chinese authors and scholars that OUP makes available globally – which is closely aligned with CNPIEC’s aims of promoting the ‘going out’ of Chinese culture

Working with our educational publishing

CNPIEC has been a long-term, trusted partner to OUP’s education division in Chi-na. This year, we are proud to become the top 1 partner of imported English Language Teaching (ELT) materials and resources to CNPIEC, and CNPIEC has been OUP’s most collaborated partner. It is through such trusted and devoted partnership between us that OUP is able to further expand our access and make a difference in China’s education market. With CNPIEC’s acute understanding of market dynamics, as well as strategic and thoughtful planning, OUP’s education contents were being introduced to the market, enabling tens of millions of English language learners in China to access quality learning resources. Taking our partnership to a next level, and adopting a global perspective for progress, CNPIEC and OUP will jointly explore ELT contents devoted to talking about China and traditional Chinese culture, while also seeking to provide materials to the ever growing need in Chinese language learning through Chinese Language Teaching.

Beijing International Book Fair

CNPIEC is instrumental in organizing the Beijing International Book Fair (BIBF) and supporting OUP to have a successful presence each year. We’re grateful for the work that goes into making sure we are able to use this opportunity to reach more and more people with both our academic and educational publishing. It gives us a very real oppor-tunity to allow librarians and readers both in China and elsewhere to understand the depth and breadth of our publishing offer.

Congratulations once again to our colleagues at CNPIEC on their 70th anniversary! We look forward to many more!




经过几十年的合作,牛津大学出版社很高兴与中国图书进出口(集团)总公司的同仁和朋友们一起庆祝中图公司成立 70 周年这一重要的里程碑。

牛津大学出版社是隶属于牛津大学的一个部门,也是世界上最大的高校出版社。我们每年以 100 余种语言出版数以千计的书籍,其范围从儿童教材到真正推动人类知识边界的学术研究。我们的使命是通过在世界范围内开展出版业务来推动高校在研究、学术以及教育等方面的卓越目标,而我们与中图公司的合作对于在中国实现这一目标至关重要。中图公司是我们在海外,包括中国香港、澳门和台湾地区在内的中国最大的图书进口服务提供商,面对这样一个巨大的市场,我们赞赏中图公司同仁们专业的知识,他们为我们带来尽可能多的读者、教师和研究人员等客户。





另外,中图公司每年在承办北京国际图书博览会(BIBF)和支持牛津大学出版社参展方面发挥了重要作用。我们非常感谢中图公司让我们的学术出版物和教育出版物能够借此机会接触到越来越多的业内人士。BIBF 给了我们一个非常高效的平台,让中国以及其他国家和地区的图书馆管理者、读者等可以了解到牛津大学出版社在出版服务方面的深度和广度。 再次祝贺中图公司的同仁们,祝贺中国图书进出口(集团)总公司成立 70 周年!我们期待更多的交流与合作!

再次祝贺中图公司的同仁们,祝贺中国图书进出口(集团)总公司成立 70 周年!我们期待更多的交流与合作!

上篇:经历20年的合作,期待更多个20年/李联合 下篇:命运的ISSN/方理华